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Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF)

The Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) Scheme was established in December 2000 in Hong Kong in accordance with the MPF Schemes Ordinance and its supplementary regulations, and monitored by the MPF Schemes Authority, except for terms governing voluntary contributions.

Under the University MPF System, there are two MPF master trust schemes, namely, Fidelity Retirement Master Trust (FRMT) and Manulife RetireChoice (MPF) Scheme (MRC, formerly named Allianz Global Investors MPF Plan) for selection. University employees are allowed to switch between FRMT & MRC during the employment at the University once a year but will have all their MPF benefits in one MPF plan only at any one time.

Please read the MPF related materials and complete the Membership Enrolment Form of your chosen scheme (FRMT or MRC) .The completed form should be sent to the Payroll and Superannuation Unit of the Finance Office within 30 days after commencement of appointment.

Staff Quartering

Eligible staff members can apply the on-campus accommodation.  There are around 230 University Staff Quarters (USQ) centrally administered by the Staff Quartering Unit on campus including University Residence No.  10 – 17, Chan Kwan Tung Building and Inter-University Hall.  University Staff Quarters have several types of quarters, vary from 1 room to 4 rooms with floor areas from around ~40 sqm to ~200 sqm.

Useful Information on University Accommodation and Other Options

For more details, please refer to Staff Quarters Administration webpage (Staff login is required).  

Compensation & Benefits

Compensation & Benefits